• info@africanedensafaris.co.tz
  • Arusha Town, Tanzania


Honeymoon Safari

8 Days/ 7 Night Lake Manyara national Park / Ngorongoro / Serengeti National Park.

Adventurous Safari

11 Days / 10 Nights – Adventurous Safari And Beach Holiday Zanzibar.

Ultimate Safari

15 Days / 14 Nights – Ultimate Safari And Beach Holiday Zanzibar.

Tanzania Destinations

Discover Tanzania's top Destinations.

Inside Serengeti National Park you may see these animals.
# Animals Percentage
1 Lions 100%
2 Rhino 40%
3 Leopard 40%
4 Zebra 100%
5 Elephats 100%
6 Cheetah 90%
7 Buffalo 100%

Extra Info About Serengeti

Serengeti National Park, which is rightfully deemed a World Heritage Site, is the one place where one can witness the Great Migration, when Wildebeest and Zebra in their hundreds of thousands follow the yearly rain patterns in search of green pastures.

Inside Ngorongoro Crater you may see these animals.
# Animals Percentage
1 Lions 100%
2 Rhino 75%
3 Leopard 20%
4 Zebra 100%
5 Elephats 100%
6 Cheetah 70%
7 Buffalo 100%

Extra Info About Ngorongoro crater

he ancient Ngorongoro Crater is a UNESCO world heritage site and one of the most interesting parks of Tanzania. A safari tour of the Ngorongoro National Park is your chance to see the greatest number of wildlife species per square kilometer.

Inside Lake Manyara National Park you may see these animals.
# Animals Percentage
1 Lions 50%
2 Leopard 30%
3 Zebra 100%
4 Elephats 100%
5 Giraffe 100%
6 Buffalo 100%
7 Flamingo 90%
Manyara National Park

Extra Info About Manyara

Lake Manyara National Park stretches in Tanzania’s rainforest at the foot of The Great Rift Valley. Not only has the park attracted predators; it also has become home for huge colonies of pink flamingos whose number amazes even experienced travelers.

1 / 5
2 / 5
3 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5


The Woods
Cinque Terre
Mountains and fjords
Northern Lights
Nature and sunrise


WW1 in East Africa took place during the Great War in Europe and is seldom considered to be part of that theatre of well-known battles. This "Forgotten War" tour takes the enthusiast along the 1916 Lt Gen Smuts route of campaign and touches the earlier scenes of war in 1914 with the Commonwealth and Indian soldiers pushing into German E Africa. Join our guide with other guests sharing your interest of the history of this theatre of WW1..................create and travel with your own group .......or join others already booked onto our twice annual tour.,..............departures are March and November with a maximum of 6 guests per vehicle. Add to your knowledge of WW1 and the forgotten areas of the campaign.

Travel Tips


You can apply for the tourist visa at the Tanzanian embassies and consulates in your country of residency. Some embassies offer the application form online, but the application process still takes time.

You need a passport valid for at least 6 months from the date when entering the country. If you are planning to enter the country on more than one occasion on this trip, then you may be able to get a multiple entry visa.

US passport holders pay 100 US$ for standard single, double and multiple entry visa. Canadian passport holders pay 75 US$. EU citizens and most other nationals pay 50 US$ or 50 €.

You can obtain the following visas in Tanzania: Burundi, Congo (Zaire), Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Websites of Tanzanian embassies:

USA: http://www.tanzaniaembassy-us.org

Canada: http://www.tzrepottawa.ca

UK: https://tzhc.uk/

Germany: http://www.tanzania-gov.de

View a list of Tanzanian embassies in other countries:


Donate to our project

Over the past two decades many of our generous and selfless safari guests have donated varying amounts to make difference to many people in Tanzania.

Some gave $100 for footballs or volleyballs at a school, some $200 for mosquito nets for an orphanage. Others gave $500 for school supplies and some gave $500 chickens and cockerels to a family.
Many came together to fund a $10,000 water project others fund raised towards toilet building programme in rural schools.Here at african Eden Safaris we now have a large r project to fund and request your monetary support. No donation is too small to help us develop a piece of land to provide a safe community hub and football pitch for any child who wishes to explore their talent.
Regardless of their ability, mobility, gender or religion children are welcome.
We ask for monetory support to buy land, drill for water and create a playing area plus changing rooms with bathroom facilities. We would then progress to building an equipment store and hall with a simple cafe where families or local retired can come together to socialise and assist the youngsters in their passion for sport.

HELP US PLEASE - and Thank you for anything you can afford. We aim to climb the moutain to achieve this goal.

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Get in touch..

Customize your safari with help of our safari specialist.
Contact us on WhatsApp: +255624065974
Contact us on WhatsApp: +447980960291

The partnership of Steve from Tanzania and Karen from the UK will help you discover your very own African Eden.

We love to organize tours and put this love in the organization of all our trips. We operate a pre-wish list to deliver on every moment of your trip.

Quick links

The company

  • Postal: P.O. Box 1606 Arusha, Tanzania, East Africa
  • info@africanedensafaris.co.tz
  • africaneden@yahoo.co.uk
  • +255 782 316 299
  • +255 683 846 822
  • +44 798 096 0291